Lemas Consulting, Inc.
3990 Old Town Avenue
Suite B-105
San Diego, CA 92110
We Value Your Privacy
Your privacy is important to us! We pledge to hold your personal information in confidence. We take great care not to reveal the private or business information of our customers to any third party without expressed and/or written prior consent. To insure customer convenience and ease of purchase, Lemas Consulting, Inc. reserves the right to continue to notify you of our new services as they may come available.
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This site has security measures in place to protect the loss, misuse, or alteration of information under our control. Our server utilizes GoDaddy’s 256-bit Secured Socket Layer (SSL), which is an advanced encryption technology that protects your data. For more information about GoDaddy’s SSL protection, please click here.
If you have any questions regarding our privacy policy, please, e-mail [email protected]. We welcome your queries and are here to serve you!